Sex Magic has been an incredible tool in my life! I have used it to manifest the home that I currently live in (with a view beyond what I could've imagined), the exact car I was envisioning (even during a time when car buying was scarce terrain), and every time I do it, I meet amazing people and find myself in situations that I could never have planned on my own. I believe Sex Magic sets up Divine Appointments in your life!

Hi! I'm Savannah Rose, certified VITA Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach. I believe in the power of pleasure to bring Magic, Healing, and Integration of even the most challenging parts of life.

In this class, you'll learn about the importance of ritual space and how rituals help us transform, identifying your deepest desires, the role of the Chakra system, experiencing your desire in present reality with all five senses online, the practice of Sex Magic and how you can make it your own, overcoming obstacles, and taking inspired action to go after the life you desire!

Note: The language in this class appeals to those with female anatomy. If you do not identify as a woman, you can still enjoy this class, but just interchange the correct language for your personal experience.

If you have additional questions, or want to work 1:1 with me, email me at